JLBC Staff Assignment by State Agency

Richard Stavneak, Director
State AgencyJLBC Analyst
Accountancy, Arizona State Board ofDestin Moss
Acupuncture Board of ExaminersGrace Timpany
Automation Projects FundDestin Moss
Administration, Arizona Department ofEthan Scheider
Administration, Arizona Department of, School Facilities DivisionGordon Robertson
Administrative Hearings, Office ofDestin Moss
Agriculture, Arizona Department ofNate Belcher
AHCCCSMaggie Rocker
Chandler Coiner
Arts, Arizona Commission on theEthan Scheider
Athletic Training, Board ofDestin Moss
Attorney General - Department of LawGordon Robertson
Auditor GeneralMicaela Larkin
Barbering and Cosmetology BoardEthan Scheider
Behavioral Health Examiners, Board ofGrace Timpany
Charter Schools, State Board forEthan Scheider
Child Safety, Department ofMaggie Rocker
Chiropractic Examiners, State Board ofDestin Moss
Citizens Clean Elections CommissionMicaela Larkin
Commerce Authority, ArizonaNate Belcher
Community Colleges, ArizonaEthan Scheider
Constable Ethics Standards and Training BoardDestin Moss
Contractors, Registrar ofEthan Scheider
Corporation CommissionNate Belcher
Corrections, State Department ofGeoffrey Paulsen
County FundingDestin Moss
Criminal Justice Commission, ArizonaBenjamin Beutler
Deaf and the Blind, Arizona State Schools for theEthan Scheider
Deaf and the Hard of Hearing, Commission for theBenjamin Beutler
Dental Examiners, State Board ofBenjamin Beutler
Early Childhood Development and Health Board, ArizonaGrace Timpany
Economic Opportunity, Office ofBen Newcomb
Economic Security, Department ofChandler Coiner
Grace Timpany
Education, Department ofGordon Robertson
Patrick Moran
Education, State Board ofGordon Robertson
Emergency and Military Affairs, Department ofDestin Moss
Environmental Quality, Department ofMaggie Rocker
Equal Opportunity, Governor's Office ofEthan Scheider
Equalization, State Board ofEthan Scheider
Executive Clemency, Board ofBenjamin Beutler
Exposition and State Fair Board, ArizonaNate Belcher
Forestry and Fire Management, Arizona Department ofNate Belcher
Funeral Directors and Embalmers, State Board ofMaggie Rocker
Game and Fish Department, ArizonaNate Belcher
Gaming, Department ofBen Newcomb
Governor's Office of Strategic Planning and BudgetingMorgan Dorcheus
Governor, Office of theMorgan Dorcheus
Health Services, Department ofMaggie Rocker
Historical Society of Arizona, PrescottMicaela Larkin
Historical Society, ArizonaMicaela Larkin
Homeland Security, Arizona Department ofDestin Moss
Homeopathic and Integrated Medicine Examiners, Bd. ofDestin Moss
House of RepresentativesMorgan Dorcheus
Housing, Arizona Department ofGrace Timpany
Independent Redistricting CommissionMicaela Larkin
Industrial Commission of ArizonaEthan Scheider
Insurance and Financial Institutions, Department ofDestin Moss
Joint Legislative Budget CommitteeMorgan Dorcheus
Judiciary - Supreme CourtBenjamin Beutler
Judiciary - Court of AppealsBenjamin Beutler
Judiciary - Superior CourtBenjamin Beutler
Juvenile Corrections, Department ofBenjamin Beutler
Land Department, StateGordon Robertson
Legislative CouncilMorgan Dorcheus
Liquor Licenses and Control, Department ofNate Belcher
Lottery Commission, Arizona StateBen Newcomb
Massage Therapy, BoardDestin Moss
Medical Board, ArizonaEthan Scheider
Mine Inspector, StateNate Belcher
Natural Resource Conservation Board, StateGordon Robertson
Naturopathic Physicians Medical BoardDestin Moss
Navigable Stream Adjudication Commission, ArizonaNate Belcher
Nursing Care Institution Administrators and Assisted Living Facility Managers, Board of Examiners ofGrace Timpany
Nursing, State Board ofDestin Moss
Occupational Therapy Examiners, Board ofDestin Moss
Ombudsman-Citizens Aide OfficeMicaela Larkin
Opticians, State Board of DispensingEthan Scheider
Optometry, State Board ofEthan Scheider
Osteopathic Examiners in Medicine and Surgery, Arizona Board ofGrace Timpany
Parks Board, Arizona StateNate Belcher
Personnel Board, StateEthan Scheider
Pharmacy, Arizona State Board ofGrace Timpany
Physical Therapy, Board ofDestin Moss
Pioneers' Home, ArizonaDestin Moss
Podiatry Examiners, State Board ofGrace Timpany
Power Authority, ArizonaDestin Moss
Private Postsecondary Education, State Board forDestin Moss
Psychologist Examiners, State Board ofGrace Timpany
Public Safety Personnel Retirement SystemGordon Robertson
Public Safety, Department ofJordan Johnston
Real Estate Department, StateDestin Moss
Residential Utility Consumer OfficeNate Belcher
Respiratory Care Examiners, Board ofGrace Timpany
Retirement System, Arizona StateGordon Robertson
Revenue, Department ofMicaela Larkin
Secretary of State, Department of StateMicaela Larkin
SenateMorgan Dorcheus
Tax Appeals, State Board ofNate Belcher
Technical Registration, State Board ofEthan Scheider
Tourism, Office ofNate Belcher
Transportation, Department ofJordan Johnston
Treasurer, StateDestin Moss
Tribal Relations, Governor's Office on.Ethan Scheider
Regents Arizona Board ofGrace Timpany
Arizona State UniversityGrace Timpany
Northern Arizona UniversityEthan Scheider
University of Arizona - Main CampusGrace Timpany
University of Arizona - Health Sciences CenterGrace Timpany
Veterans' Services, Department ofChandler Coiner
Veterinary Medical Examining Board, Arizona StateGrace Timpany
Water Infrastructure Finance AuthorityMicaela Larkin
Water Resources, Department ofMicaela Larkin
Other Assignments
State AgencyJLBC Analyst
Revenue CoordinatorHans Olofsson
Budget Stabilization FundBen Newcomb
Corporate Income TaxBen Newcomb
Individual Income TaxBen Newcomb
Property TaxBen Newcomb
Insurance Premium TaxChandler Coiner
Liquor TaxNate Belcher
Tobacco TaxNate Belcher
Transaction Privilege TaxHans Olofsson
HURF/Vehicle License TaxJordan Johnston
Lottery RevenuesBen Newcomb
Fiscal Note ManagerMorgan Dorcheus
Marijuana TaxNate Belcher
Recruiting CoordinatorMaggie Rocker
Feed Bill CoordinatorMorgan Dorcheus
Admin Staff CoordinatorMorgan Dorcheus
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