Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC)

The Joint Legislative Budget Committee was established in 1966, pursuant to Laws 1966, Chapter 96. The primary powers and duties of the JLBC relate to ascertaining facts and making recommendations to the Legislature regarding all facets of the state budget, state revenues and expenditures, future fiscal needs, and the organization and functions of state government. This section provides information on JLBC membership, duties, staff responsibilities, and general information.

The Joint Legislative Budget Committee was established in 1966, pursuant to Laws 1966, Chapter 96. In 1979, a bill was passed to expand and alter the committee membership, which now consists of the following 16 members:

Senator John Kavanagh, Vice-Chairman
Representative David Livingston, Chairman
Senator Lela Alston
Representative Lorena Austin
Senator David C. Farnsworth
Representative Seth Blattman
Senator Brian Fernandez
Representative Michael Carbone
Senator Mark Finchem
Representative Matt Gress
Senator Lauren Kuby
Representative Justin Olson
Senator J.D. Mesnard
Representative Stephanie Stahl Hamilton
Senator Janae Shamp
Representative Michael Way

The primary powers and duties of the JLBC relate to ascertaining facts and making recommendations to the Legislature regarding all facets of the state budget, state revenues and expenditures, future fiscal needs, and the organization and functions of state government.

JLBC appoints a Director who is responsible for providing staff support and sound technical analysis to the Committee. The JLBC Staff mission is as follows:

  • To provide the Arizona Legislature with sound research, analysis, forecasts and recommendations on government finances and public policies; and to provide the members with high quality work that is factual and delivered in a timely and professional manner, enabling the members to make informed public policy decisions that are in the best interests of the citizens of Arizona.

In achieving this mission, the objectives and major products of the staff of the JLBC are as follows:

  • Analysis and recommendations for the state budget, which are presented in January of each year.
  • Technical, analytical, and preparatory support in the development of appropriations bills considered by the Legislature.
  • Periodic economic and state revenue forecasts.
  • Preparation of fiscal notes on legislation and ballot propositions that have a fiscal impact on the state or any of its political subdivisions.
  • An annual Appropriations Report, which is published shortly after the budget is completed and provides detail on the budget along with an explanation of legislative intent.
  • Support to the JLBC with respect to recommendations on business items placed on the committee’s agenda such as transfers of appropriations pursuant to A.R.S. § 35-173.
  • Support to the Joint Committee on Capital Review (JCCR) with respect to all capital outlay issues including land acquisition, new construction, and building renewal projects.
  • Analyze the state tax structure, tax burdens on individuals and businesses and tax incentives for businesses pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1272A4.

Joint Legislative Budget Committee
1716 West Adams
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Phone: (602) 926-5491