Joint Committee on Capital Review (JCCR)

The Joint Committee on Capital Review (JCCR) was first established on April 11, 1986, pursuant to Laws 1986, Ch. 85. Thereafter, Laws 1989, Ch. 159 expanded the Committee membership. The primary powers and duties of the Joint Committee on Capital Review relate to ascertaining facts and making recommendations to the Legislature regarding state expenditures for land, buildings and improvements.  This portion of the state budget is known as “capital outlay. ” This section provides information on JCCR membership, duties, staff responsibilities, and general information.

The Joint Committee on Capital Review (JCCR) was first established on April 11, 1986, pursuant to Laws 1986, Ch. 85. Thereafter, Laws 1989, Ch. 159 expanded the Committee membership.  The JCCR is a 14-member committee consisting of (A.R.S. § 41-1251) the following members:

Representative David Livingston, Vice-Chairman
Senator John Kavanagh, Chairman
Representative Michael Carbone
Senator Lela Alston
Representative Oscar De Los Santos
Senator David C. Farnsworth
Representative Matt Gress
Senator Mark Finchem
Representative Stephanie Stahl Hamilton
Senator Lauren Kuby
Representative Stacey Travers
Senator Janae Shamp
Representative Michael Way
Senator Priya Sundareshan

The primary powers and duties of the Joint Committee on Capital Review relate to ascertaining facts and making recommendations to the Legislature regarding state expenditures for land, buildings and improvements.  This portion of the state budget is known as “capital outlay.”

The JCCR is staffed by the JLBC Staff.  The objectives and major products of the staff of the JCCR are:

  • Recommend capital appropriations to the Legislature.
  • Approve capital transfers within a budget unit.
  • Review the scope, purpose and cost of projects before releasing appropriations.
  • Develop “Building Renewal Formula.”
  • Approve the use of Renewal funds for infrastructure repair.
  • Approve lease-purchase agreements, and the acquisition of certain real property and buildings.
  • Approve corrections facilities expenditures from the Corrections Fund.
  • Review the issuance of revenue bonds by the Board of Regents.
  • Approve DOA land and building purchases and condemnations.
  • Review “Capital Improvement Plans.”
  • Determine rental rates for buildings owned by or leased to the state.
  • Review Community Colleges District bond projects.
  • Review School Facilities Board assumptions for new school construction.
  • Review School Facilities Board lease-to-own agreements.
Joint Legislative Budget Committee
1716 West Adams
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Phone: (602) 926-5491